Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Great News!

I have totally been neglecting this blog, and I feel terrible. BUT -- I am down 13lbs!!

Yesterday I hit the mall, to get Clinique, since it is bonus days... finally... but I remembered that my husband has a cocktail party next weekend. I wanted to try to fit into a dress that I wore a few years ago, but I am not quite there yet. Plus it is also in the Junior sizes, so I don't even KNOW what size that is in Woman's. So I thought for fun I would try on some new dresses.

I tried on my normal size, and guess what?!?


Best feeling ever! So, I am down one dress size, and I feel like I can tackle anything now. I have had a stressful last few weeks. There has been so much going on... I haven't been able to work out as much as I should have, but I have taken advantage of the beautiful weather and have taken some walks, and had a few dance parties with myself in my livingroom while cleaning... and that burns calories too!!

I have been watching what I eat, and have not been snacking. I feel great and I hope to lose 15-20lbs more before I head to Europe for a couple weeks with my Mom this summer.

For now, spanx will be my friend, but luckily I wasn't wearing spanx when I tried on the dress! Imagine what I would look like with the Spanx, I keep telling myself. :)

I don't mind being the "largest" of all of our friends out here. I am not giant. I mean I fit into a size 12, which made me feel great. It is hard though when all your friends are a size 6 or smaller. I am just not built like them. I had one friend complain that they didn't make something small enough. Yes, they are lucky to be small, but they are the ones that wish they had the larger chest. (And that I have plenty of that to share).

I am going to keep going, and working hard at this. This is for me.

I know I only have a few followers on here, and that is totally fine. I love the support. I love knowing I am not the only one. I know we can all get through this together. It would be so hard to go through it alone. So, thank you. Let's keep each other in check.
